Inforuptcy Blog Archives July 2016
1H 2016 Snapshot - Bankruptcy Asset Sales
Our infographic below breaks down the various asset categories sold across the country through the bankruptcy courts. The largest decline in number of assets sold for the first half of 2016 versus the first half of 2015 is residential real property. This should come as no surprise as home values across the country have risen 33% since 2012 according to the S&P/Case-Shiller National Composite Home Price Index.
Our solution does not stop with the most in-depth database of sale motions. We are now also the only service that tracks schedule of assets and liabilities filings for all new business bankruptcies across the country. This is simply the best way to position yourself to be the stalking horse bidder on an asset purchase because it is the first look into the balance sheet of the filing company.
If you are looking to discover new opportunities across the country, there is no better source. It is ridiculously easy to get started.
Our solution is faster, better and cheaper than any alternative. Our pricing is month to month (annual discount available):
- $99 / month (cancel any time) for our Maverick plan (overbidders)
- $199 / month (cancel any time) for our Rainmaker plan (stalking horse bidders)
We would love to earn your business. You can sign up here, or if you prefer, you can also schedule a 15 minute web demo so you can see for yourself how to get started.
P.S. Just want to dip your toes first? Sign up to our free newsletter for a daily or weekly email of new asset sales.
P.P.S. We are looking for bankruptcy success stories. If you know anyone that successfully purchased a bankrupt company and turned it around, please let us know by replying to this email. We are working on a story with a large media company and pitching a TV show! This would be a great way to gain free publicity for that company.
Business Bankruptcy Snapshot: Pacific Andes International Holdings Limited (Berm
DeclarationOf Ng Puay Yee Pursuant To Rule 1007-2 Of The Local Bankruptcy Rules For the Southern District Of New York And In Support Of Debtors' First Day Motions And Applicationsfiled by Howard B. Kleinberg on behalf of Pacific Andes International Holdings Limited (Bermuda). (Kleinberg, Howard) (Entered: 07/06/2016)
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