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Business Bankruptcy Creditor Statistics - February 2023

Posted by Inforuptcy Team, on March 3, 2023

Inforuptcy released its February 2023 business bankruptcy creditor statistics. February business bankruptcy creditors totaled 12,144 across secured and unsecured creditors for total claims of $18.2 billion, a decrease of 39.7% from January.

LOS ANGELES – MARCH 3, 2023 – Inforuptcy, a global technology services leader in bankruptcy information, released its February 2023 business bankruptcy creditor statistics. There were 1,329 secured creditors (Schedule D), a decrease of 24.7% from 1,764 in January. Secured creditors totaled $15.5 billion, an increase of 62.3% from $9.5 billion in January. The median for secured creditors was $0.15 million, an increase of 173.6% from $0.05 million in January. There were 10,815 unsecured creditors (Schedule E/F), a decrease of 41.1% from 18,361 in January. Unsecured creditors totaled $2.7 billion, a decrease of 55.7% from $6.1 billion in January. The median for unsecured creditors was $5,713, an increase of 67.9% from $3,403 in January.


Inforuptcy is the leader in business bankruptcy information. It is the only service that parses every field for all business bankruptcy schedules (D & E/F) and Top 20 Unsecured Creditors into Excel daily for the most comprehensive business bankruptcy creditor database. This translates to no more manual labor for your team or an expensive outsourced solution. You can just slice and dice the list of creditors by amount, location, or type and upload them to your favorite CRM in a few clicks to start your sales process. Our solution enables:

    • Claims Traders to access creditors from non-claim admin cases where there is less competition. Our solution is also great for tracking multiple cases across claim admin sites and creating keyword based alerts.
    • Credit Insurance Providers to find the most comprehensive business creditor leads that seamlessly can be uploaded to your CRM.

Our pricing is transparent. You have the choice of month to month or an annual plan for additional savings. It is $1,500 / month (cancel any time) or $15,000 / year.



Business Bankruptcy Creditor Statistics - January 2023

Posted by Inforuptcy Team, on February 6, 2023

Inforuptcy released its January 2023 business bankruptcy creditor statistics. January business bankruptcy creditors totaled 20,125 across secured and unsecured creditors for total claims of $15.7 billion, an increase of 53.6% from December.

LOS ANGELES – FEBRUARY 6, 2023 – Inforuptcy, a global technology services leader in bankruptcy information, released its January 2023 business bankruptcy creditor statistics. There were 1,764 secured creditors (Schedule D), an increase of 57.8% from 1,118 in December. Secured creditors totaled $9.5 billion, an increase of 596.1% from $1.4 billion in December. The median for secured creditors was $0.05 million, a decrease of 50.9% from $0.1 million in December. There were 18,361 unsecured creditors (Schedule E/F), an increase of 53.2% from 11,985 in December. Unsecured creditors totaled $6.1 billion, a decrease of 84.2% from $38.7 billion in December. The median for unsecured creditors was $3,403.2, an increase of 8.9% from $3,125 in December.


Inforuptcy is the leader in business bankruptcy information. It is the only service that parses every field for all business bankruptcy schedules (D & E/F) and Top 20 Unsecured Creditors into Excel daily for the most comprehensive business bankruptcy creditor database. This translates to no more manual labor for your team or an expensive outsourced solution. You can just slice and dice the list of creditors by amount, location, or type and upload them to your favorite CRM in a few clicks to start your sales process. Our solution enables:

    • Claims Traders to access creditors from non-claim admin cases where there is less competition. Our solution is also great for tracking multiple cases across claim admin sites and creating keyword based alerts.
    • Credit Insurance Providers to find the most comprehensive business creditor leads that seamlessly can be uploaded to your CRM.

Our pricing is transparent. You have the choice of month to month or an annual plan for additional savings. It is $1,500 / month (cancel any time) or $15,000 / year.



Business Bankruptcy Creditor Statistics - December 2022

Posted by Inforuptcy Team, on January 2, 2023

Inforuptcy released its December 2022 business bankruptcy creditor statistics. December business bankruptcy creditors totaled 13,103 across secured and unsecured creditors for total claims of $40.1 billion, a decrease of 31.6% from November. For 2022, business bankruptcy creditors totaled 155,007 across secured and unsecured creditors for total claims of $1,749.3 billion.

LOS ANGELES – JANUARY 2, 2023 – Inforuptcy, a global technology services leader in bankruptcy information, released its December 2022 business bankruptcy creditor statistics. There were 1,118 secured creditors (Schedule D), a decrease of 47.4% from 2,126 in November. Secured creditors totaled $1.4 billion, a decrease of 99.9% from $1,008.5 billion in November. The median for secured creditors was $0.1 million, a decrease of 99.9% from $153.8 million in November. There were 11,985 unsecured creditors (Schedule E/F), a decrease of 29.6% from 17,034 in November. Unsecured creditors totaled $38.7 billion, a decrease of 75.0% from $154.8 billion in November. The median for unsecured creditors was $3,125, an increase of 16.8% from $2,675 in November.


Inforuptcy is the leader in business bankruptcy information. It is the only service that parses every field for all business bankruptcy schedules (D & E/F) and Top 20 Unsecured Creditors into Excel daily for the most comprehensive business bankruptcy creditor database. This translates to no more manual labor for your team or an expensive outsourced solution. You can just slice and dice the list of creditors by amount, location, or type and upload them to your favorite CRM in a few clicks to start your sales process. Our solution enables:

    • Claims Traders to access creditors from non-claim admin cases where there is less competition. Our solution is also great for tracking multiple cases across claim admin sites and creating keyword based alerts.
    • Credit Insurance Providers to find the most comprehensive business creditor leads that seamlessly can be uploaded to your CRM.

Our pricing is transparent. You have the choice of month to month or an annual plan for additional savings. It is $1,500 / month (cancel any time) or $15,000 / year.



Business Bankruptcy Creditor Statistics - November 2022

Posted by Inforuptcy Team, on December 2, 2022

Inforuptcy released its November 2022 business bankruptcy creditor statistics. November business bankruptcy creditors totaled 19,160 across secured and unsecured creditors for total claims of $1,163.3 billion, an increase of 83.8% from October.

LOS ANGELES – NOVEMBER 2, 2022 – Inforuptcy, a global technology services leader in bankruptcy information, released its November 2022 business bankruptcy creditor statistics. There were 2,126 secured creditors (Schedule D), an increase of 101.7% from 1,054 in October. Secured creditors totaled $1,008.5 billion, an increase of 25,604.5% from $3.9 billion in October. The median for secured creditors was $153.8 million, an increase of 192,692.1% from $0.1 million in October. There were 17,034 unsecured creditors (Schedule E/F), an increase of 81.8% from 9,370 in October. Unsecured creditors totaled $154.8 billion, an increase of 900.2% from $15.5 billion in October. The median for unsecured creditors was $2,675, a decrease of 46.6% from $5,012.5 in October.


Inforuptcy is the leader in business bankruptcy information. It is the only service that parses every field for all business bankruptcy schedules (D & E/F) and Top 20 Unsecured Creditors into Excel daily for the most comprehensive business bankruptcy creditor database. This translates to no more manual labor for your team or an expensive outsourced solution. You can just slice and dice the list of creditors by amount, location, or type and upload them to your favorite CRM in a few clicks to start your sales process. Our solution enables:

    • Claims Traders to access creditors from non-claim admin cases where there is less competition. Our solution is also great for tracking multiple cases across claim admin sites and creating keyword based alerts.
    • Credit Insurance Providers to find the most comprehensive business creditor leads that seamlessly can be uploaded to your CRM.

Our pricing is transparent. You have the choice of month to month or an annual plan for additional savings. It is $1,500 / month (cancel any time) or $15,000 / year.