customer data

Banks, retailers, tech firms make rare joint call for federal data security rules


Twenty-two trade groups, including seven financial trade groups, sent a letter to House lawmakers calling for new data security standards that would preempt state law.


Why do most U.S. banks shut the door on 'open banking'?


EU banks will soon start sharing customer account data with all third parties their customers approve. Very few U.S. banks have latched on to this concept. Here’s why.


CFPB chief freezes data collection; SEC takes first ICO action


Acting director Mulvaney has major concerns about cybersecurity at the agency; the commission says a Canadian company's initial coin offering is a 'scam.'


Banks vs. aggregators: Who’ll budge in the data-sharing battle?


The CFPB's data-sharing guidance was widely applauded, but mistrust remains between banks and aggregators. Advocates want regulators to take action.


What type of data is fair in credit models?


Additional data such as college major enhances the ability to provide credit to thin-file consumers. But could it create other issues?


CFPB’s data-sharing guidelines are a boon for innovation


While the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was careful to note that the principles were not binding, the industry should still adopt the guidelines going forward.


Automation is leveling the commercial lending playing field


Ditching paper and digitizing tasks help community banks operate more efficiently and write more profitable commercial loans.


Beyond the breach: Credit reporting accuracy also under fire


Cybersecurity and breach notification procedures have caught the most public attention following the massive hack at Equifax, but lawmakers are also interested in the accuracy of credit reports.


Alexa, get me a mortgage


Some banks are looking at how to translate the complicated and document-heavy mortgage lending process into the digital world of voice interactive personal assistants.


Good news for fintech seen in CFPB’s ‘no-action’ move


The Upstart Network's CEO, Dave Girouard, explains how the online lender worked with a normally aggressive federal regulator to balance the needs for innovation and consumer protection.
