Profit and loss accounting is the least customer-centric process in the entire banking system. Overhauling it would improve banks’ culture and approach to digital banking.
American Banker readers share their views on the most pressing banking topics of the week. Comments are excerpted from reader response sections of articles and our social media platforms.
Firms including Betterment, Coinbase and TransferWise have told customers that despite a bug affecting the content delivery network Cloudflare, their data is safe.
The debate about which side is right about the appropriate method of opening up financial data access is a distraction from the real issue at stake: the pace of innovation.
CIO Magazine recently published an interesting article about the sometimes loose treatment of business and customer data in liquidations. It talks about improper disposition of sensitive customer data and the habit of trustees and liquidators of auctioning off computers without first scrubbing them of data.
CIO Magazine recently published an interesting article about the sometimes loose treatment of business and customer data in liquidations. It talks about improper disposition of sensitive customer data and the habit of trustees and liquidators of auctioning off computers without first scrubbing them of data.