Since banks are under constant attack by hackers, the startup XM Cyber is offering them a simulator that seeks to do its virtual worst in order to prevent a real breach.
Schwark Satyovolu, original co-founder of Yodlee and current venture capitalist at Trinity Ventures, shares opinion on how consumer data sharing is evolving.
Readers consider to new evidence regarding Operation Choke Point, debate the impact of Democrats taking control of the House in November, respond to concerns about weakening the Volcker Rule and more.
A paper released by the agency’s Center for Financial Research says aspects of someone’s digital footprint — including whether they use Apple or Android — help predict likelihood of default.
To personalize products and services, banks are now tracking all sorts of alternative data sources, even the manner in which customers type in mobile banking apps.
The bank has long collected data about digital interactions. Now it’s adding tech to gain knowledge from phone call to better understand each customer.
JPMorgan Chase's Jamie Dimon downplayed "too big to fail," warned against the risk of cyberattacks and lectured high-tech giants about their privacy shortcomings during an appearance in Washington.
Envestnet|Yodlee wants accessing data to be as simple as selecting a song to play, while bringing institutional analytic power to the bank branch level.