
Alternative Data Is Vital to Expanding the Credit Pie


There are millions of businesses deserving of loans that banks using traditional data resources might overlook due to their thin credit histories.


Do Mortgages Still Have Earnings Potential?


The near future may find more banks ceasing to originate residential mortgages in an effort to stop the slide in stock prices.


The Biggest Threat to Community Banks Is Thinking Small


Too many institutions focus on time-wasting tasks that divert their attention from how to stay relevant in a rapidly changing banking environment.


Why FASB Reserving Model Isn't as Bad as Banks Think


The Current Expected Loss Credit model will help to quantify bankers' intuition and can be built with readily available data.


What's Really Causing Turnover of New Branch Hires


Subpar mentoring programs for recruits new to the banking industry could be the reason institutions are finding it hard to keep new talent.


FASB Chief Is Dead Wrong on Small Banks' Role in Crisis


Recent comments by Russell Golden, chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, raise questions about the board's plans to change bank accounting standards.


Why Grandma and Grandpa Still Matter to Banking


Banks face immense challenges trying to keep up with technology, but they also must cater to older customers with big deposit accounts who still use their branch.


Don't Blame Regulators for Dearth of New Banks


De novo activity has remained at a trickle and the reason is investing in a new bank just isn't attractive as it used to be.


It's OK to Tell Creditworthy Borrowers a Loan Is a Bad Idea


The best commercial lenders take enough interest in their clients to speak up when they see credit as not serving the long-term success of a company.


Is Banking Industry on the Verge of a Talent Crisis?


Several CEOs hitting the magic age of 63 have chosen to sell their institutions, suggesting a dearth of younger executives waiting in the wings.
