
First Step to Ending Sexism in Banking: Recognize It


Male bankers are often unaware of how they benefit from a level of privilege that limits the advancement and contributions of their female colleagues, to the detriment of the entire industry.


There's Still Time to Stem Decline of Black-Owned Banks


A strategy to reinvigorate black-owned financial institutions would not only bring hope to the black community but would also be an inspiration for other minorities who seek to be more effectively served by financial institutions that understand their needs.


Why Wells Debacle Is Cautionary Tale for Bank Boards


The revelations at Wells Fargo are reminder to directors that when a bank's performance is too good to be true, it likely is.


How 2008 Lending Shutdown May Explain Today's Growth


While troubling factors such as higher risk profiles may be behind the recent lending boom, the industry could also just be returning to the historical average for loan growth following the "Great Panic" of 2008-2010.


CECL Will Inflate Credit Booms and Worsen Downturns


The Financial Accounting Standards Board's accounting rules for credit risk have good intentions, but a likely amplification of the ups and downs of the credit market was probably not one of them.


There Is No Such Thing as 'Overbanked'


The suggestion that any area has too many local institutions dismisses the importance of community banks and overlooks the dangerous effects of consolidation.


Success Is Easier When Employees Believe These Three Things


Employees are the heart and soul of any company. When they are engaged, they behave in ways that have a tremendous positive impact. Companies that want to tap into that power should foster these three attitudes in their employee ranks.


Will Your Workplace Work for Millennial Employees?


Millennials came of age in the wake of the Great Recession and have developed a hardened skepticism about banks. For banks to attract them as employees, it's going take more than a promise of work-life balance.


How Bank-Insurance Unions Have Evolved


Pretty much every merger of insurers and banks since the Citi-Travelers deal has come undone, but today's conditions support new-style marriages that make sense for shareholders and customers.


How to Explain the Sudden Boom in Bank Lending


The impressive loan growth in the second quarter is surprising in an economy that grew by 1.2% in the second quarter and by only 0.8% in the first quarter.
