How It Works - Assets - Buying


On average, there are approximately a million bankruptcy cases filed every year across the country. As part of administering these bankruptcy cases, thousands of assets get sold in any given year. The assets sold can be anything of value, from real estate to trademarks to entire businesses or just a piece of furniture. We make it possible for you to quickly review those assets and find those items for sale that interest you, whether it be for profit reasons, or for ownership of otherwise hard to acquire assets.

What We Do

We make it possible for you to find bankruptcy assets for sale in two ways:
  1. We comb through nearly all the bankruptcy filings across the country and identify any assets for sale based on notices and pleadings filed by sellers (such as Trustees), and
  2. We allow Trustees and other authorized sellers to actively create a listing.
Whether from bankruptcy filings or Trustee posted sales, all asset sale information is indexed in our database and presented in a very user friendly fashion for subscribers to search, browse, set alerts, and act on any asset of interest.

Access to Our Database

Full Access
Full access to the details of any bankruptcy asset on our site, such as seller contact information, requires a subscription. A detailed explanation of what you can do once subscribed is provided below. Visit our current subscription plans to learn more about pricing.
Limited Access
Before subscribing, you can browse our database to see the scope of the bankruptcy assets we aggregate on an ongoing basis. Simply click on "Assets" on our main navigation along the top of any page. Once on the main page, you can click on the green browse button or select a category from the left side navigation as shown below:
You will then see the scope of our database on any given day by reviewing the titles and categories of the assets we have organized like this:
To see further details, about a specific item for sale, you will need to subscribe to a plan.

Subscriber Benefits

Full Access - Detail View
As a subscriber, you will have access to the details of each asset for sale. A complete listing on our site looks like this:
In addition to the complete seller and bankruptcy case information, subscribers can access the following features:
  1. Sale pleading: The legal documents associated with the sale are available for download and review
  2. Make an offer button: This feature allows you to submit offers online
  3. Ask a question: This feature allows you to send a message to the Seller
Full Access - Alerts
In addition to the detail view, subscribers have access to our Assets Alerts feature. This allows you to select keywords and categories of interest using the left side navigation, and then set an alert based on those criteria. Our system will email you when your criteria matched.

Other Services

Free Newsletter
You can also receive a free newsletter of our listings that will provide a daily or weekly list of new titles we have available. You can receive an email for free containing information like this:
Additional Tools
While we comb through bankruptcy filings and create posts based on sale motions, it is possible for you to select other criteria to find deals of interest in bankruptcy. For example, you may want to dig into a case earlier, say before a sale motion is filed. Our suite of tools allows you to do this. If you are interested in other features to assist your hunt for deals, contact us.