Regulatory relief

Would Stephen Moore change the Fed, or vice versa?


The addition of the conservative pundit could signal the Trump administration's intent to have a more direct hand in central bank policies, yet Moore could experience his own transformation as a Fed governor.


Examiners should stay focused on ‘big picture’: FDIC’s McWilliams


The head of the agency said she wants FDIC staff to be proactive with banks that show visible problems, but not “focus more on seeking out dirt than on whether the home is clean.”


Where the small-bank lobby will focus next


Congress granted banks significant reg relief last year, but incoming ICBA Chairman Preston Kennedy says a lighter touch is needed with Bank Secrecy Act rules, loan-loss modeling and call reports.


Simpler capital rule for small banks proving hard to pull off


Community bankers and state regulators want the FDIC and other agencies to rethink their approach to a simplified capital ratio for smaller institutions.


All options on table for improving Volcker Rule proposal: Regulators


Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Jelena McWilliams acknowledged industry concerns with the proposal meant to improve how banks comply with the trading ban.


Top Senate Banking Democrat decides against presidential run


Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said "the best place for me to continue fighting for Ohio and for the dignity of workers ... is to stay in the U.S. Senate."


Fed curbs stress test requirement for most large banks


The central bank is limiting the use of its qualitative objection in this year’s stress tests, the agency announced Wednesday.


Is Dodd-Frank oversight council still relevant?


The interagency panel formed to head off approaching systemic risks must figure out its next move after having undone designations of nonbank firms.


CFPB’s payday rule rollback sows confusion


The industry cheered the bureau’s proposed repeal of its ability-to-repay requirement, but another part of the rule — on account debit restrictions — was left intact, and some companies aren’t ready to comply.


FDIC crackdown on brokered deposits goes too far: ABA report


A legal memo conducted on behalf of the trade group says the agency’s policy goes beyond statutory intent and places undue restrictions on healthy banks.
