Regulatory relief

Why aren't White House hopefuls talking about banking?


With the candidates still introducing themselves to voters and honing their message, little has been said about the financial industry.


Two former Banking Committee Dems launch project tied to 2020 voters


Ex-Sens. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., and Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., played key roles in negotiating the 2018 regulatory relief bill, but then went on to lose their re-election bids in the midterm elections.


Big investors welcomed by Fed; Morgan Stanley shifts top woman executive


The Fed wants to make it easier for investors to own big stakes in banks without triggering oversight; Shelley O’Connor has been named head of the firm's two regulated bank entities.


FDIC must have full board to rule on BB&T-SunTrust: Sherrod Brown


In separate letters to President Trump and the head of the FDIC, the Senate Democrat said the merger cannot be approved until all five seats of the agency's board of directors are filled.


Fed seeks to clarify bank control framework


The Fed board unveiled a proposal Tuesday to standardize how investors owning less than one-quarter of a bank can determine who holds a "controlling" stake and therefore must register as a bank holding company.


CFPB to give more information to firms under investigation


Under a new policy, a company subject to a civil investigative demand will learn from the agency about what conduct the probe is targeting and what legal provisions the firm may have violated.


FDIC board backs reg relief proposals for foreign banks, living wills


Following the Federal Reserve Board, the FDIC signed off on proposed measures to ease resolution planning requirements and tailor supervisory standards for foreign banking companies operating in the U.S.


Will White House memo be a roadblock for reg relief?


The administration’s move seems aimed at cutting down on regulation. But broader reviews by the White House under the Congressional Review Act could hinder rules the industry supports.


Will reg relief plan bring back failure-related risks?


Despite consensus that regulators should ease so-called “living will” requirements by some degree, critics charge that a proposal by the Fed and FDIC could undo gains in making large banks easier to resolve.


M&A, pot banking and more reg relief: What's on the minds of midsize bank CEOs


In a roundtable discussion, the heads of four banks called on Congress to move on CRA modernization and address the cannabis conundrum, while dismissing arguments that midsize banks need to merge to stay competitive.
