Regulatory relief

Regulators instructed to clear new rules with White House


The Trump administration directed independent agencies to submit their pending regulations for review by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, a novel procedural hurdle that could slow down policy changes.


Why are policymakers so afraid of the word 'deregulation'?


Regulators and lawmakers go to great lengths to avoid using the term for reforms in the Trump era, but its meaning is consistent with recent steps to revise and clarify the post-crisis regime.


Still stress testing, even when they don’t have to


The regulatory relief bill passed last year eliminated mandatory stress tests for dozens of regional and midsize banks, yet many banks continue running internal tests anyway. Here’s why.


SEC chief warns on leveraged loans; Wells’ woes continue


Clayton is the latest to raise concerns about bank loans to highly indebted companies; Wells Fargo’s performance took a hit with its reputation.


Fed opens reg relief tent to foreign banks


The Federal Reserve Board unveiled a host of proposed changes to tailor U.S. supervision of foreign firms, as well as a proposal easing “living will” requirements for both domestic and overseas banks.


A 'Marshall Plan for America:' Takeaways from Jamie Dimon's shareholder letter


The CEO of the nation's largest bank urged policymakers to ease capital rules for banks and tackle inefficiencies in the housing markets, while offering bold ideas of his own on education and health care.


Bankers back bill to let states determine marijuana rules


A broad bill that amends the Controlled Substances Act to formally recognize state laws legalizing marijuana has the support of the financial services industry.


Fed to weigh changes to resolution plans, foreign bank requirements


The central bank will hold an open meeting April 8 to consider revisions to "living will" standards and the tailoring of rules for overseas banks.


Why CFPB payday revamp is an even bigger deal than you think


The proposed rollback of underwriting requirements for small-dollar lenders could redefine a legal doctrine that governs rules affecting other companies as well.


Fed offers more details on stress test models


The central bank said the supplemental document “provides significantly more information on the stress test models that are used to project bank losses, compared to disclosures from past years.”
