Preference Litigation

Bankruptcy Trustee in Eclipse Aviation Files Preference Actions


In November, Jeoffrey Burtch, the Chapter 7 Trustee in the AE Liquidation bankruptcy (formerly "Eclipse Aviation"), began filing preference actions against various creditors of Eclipse.  Eclipse Aviation began as a New Mexico manufacturer of small jet aircraft.  The company filed for bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on November 25, 2008.  As stated in the


Adversary Actions Filed in MPC Bankruptcy



Recently, over 180 adversary actions were filed in the MPC Computers bankruptcy.  The adversary actions fall generally in to two categories - preference actions filed by MPC's Committee of Unsecured Creditors and breach of contract actions filed by MPC.  This post will look briefly at why MPC filed for bankruptcy and discuss what may happen next now that the adversary actions are underway.

Background on the MPC's Business and Events Leading to Bankruptcy


Trustee Files More Avoidance Actions in NWL Holdings


In August, the Chapter 7 Trustee in the National Wholesale Liquidators ("NWL") bankruptcy filing approximately 90 preference actions.  Just recently,  the Trustee filed over 100 more preference actions in NWL.  In November of 2008, I wrote about the commencement of NWL bankruptcy (read my prior post concerning the NWL bankruptcy <
