Preference Litigation

Pretrial Conference Scheduled in the AFA Investment Inc. Preference Actions


In the AFA Investment Inc. preference litigation, a summons has been issued scheduling the Pretrial Conference for June 30, 2014 at 11:30 a.m.  The hearing will be held before Judge Walrath in courtroom no. 4 on the 5th floor at the Bankruptcy Courthouse for the District of Delaware.  To view one of the summons issued in these preference cases, click here.


AFA Investment Preference Actions Filed


On March 28, 2014, AFA Investment Inc. filed approximately 125 complaints seeking to avoid and recover alleged preferential transfers pursuant to Sections 547 and 550 of the Bankruptcy Code, to disallow claims of the defendants pursuant to Section 502(d), and seeking attorneys’ fees.  AFA Investment Inc., and various affiliated entities (the “Debtors”) filed petitions for bankruptcy in the District of Delaware on April 2, 2012.


AFA Investment Preference Actions Filed


On March 28, 2014, AFA Investment Inc. filed approximately 125 complaints seeking to avoid and recover alleged preferential transfers pursuant to Sections 547 and 550 of the Bankruptcy Code, to disallow claims of the defendants pursuant to Section 502(d), and seeking attorneys’ fees.  AFA Investment Inc., and various affiliated entities (the “Debtors”) filed petitions for bankruptcy in the District of Delaware on April 2, 2012.


Minimizing Preference Exposure (Part II) – Contemporaneous Exchanges


In this prior post, a discussion was provided in connection with requiring a company to prepay for its goods or services in order to limit potential preferential exposure.


Minimizing Preference Exposure (Part II) – Contemporaneous Exchanges


In this prior post, a discussion was provided in connection with requiring a company to prepay for its goods or services in order to limit potential preferential exposure.


Minimizing Preference Exposure – Require Prepayment for Goods or Services


One question that clients often ask is what measures can be taken to reduce preferential exposure when dealing with a company that is sliding into financial insolvency.  Under Section 547 of the Bankruptcy Code, a debtor or trustee can seek to avoid and recover payments made to a vendor that provided goods or services to the debtor in the 90 days prior to the filing of bankruptcy.


Minimizing Preference Exposure – Require Prepayment for Goods or Services


One question that clients often ask is what measures can be taken to reduce preferential exposure when dealing with a company that is sliding into financial insolvency.  Under Section 547 of the Bankruptcy Code, a debtor or trustee can seek to avoid and recover payments made to a vendor that provided goods or services to the debtor in the 90 days prior to the filing of bankruptcy.


Preference Payments: Brief Analysis of Preference Actions and Common Defenses


It’s your worst nightmare: you provided goods and services to a financially struggling company, only to find out that it filed for bankruptcy, leaving your company with a large unpaid balance.  Worst yet, after the debtor filed for bankruptcy, you receive a demand letter in the mail threatening a lawsuit if you do not return payments that you received from the debtor, even though you earned that money by providing goods or services to that entity.  What sense does that make?


Preference Payments: Brief Analysis of Preference Actions and Common Defenses


It’s your worst nightmare: you provided goods and services to a financially struggling company, only to find out that it filed for bankruptcy, leaving your company with a large unpaid balance.  Worst yet, after the debtor filed for bankruptcy, you receive a demand letter in the mail threatening a lawsuit if you do not return payments that you received from the debtor, even though you earned that money by providing goods or services to that entity.  What sense does that make?


Preference Actions Filed in Open Range Bankruptcy


Last week, Charles M. Forman, acting as Chapter 7 Trustee (the “Trustee”) for Open Range Communications (“Open Range”) began filing complaints to recover what the Trustee contends are avoidable preferences. The Trustee filed the preference actions in the Delaware Bankruptcy Court and argues that the transfers, or payments, received by various defendants are avoidable and subject to recovery under 11 U.S.C. § 547 and 548 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.
