Preference Litigation

Preference Actions Filed in Ultimate Escapes Bankruptcy


This week, Edward Gavin, the liquidating trustee (the "Trustee") for the Ultimate Escapes bankruptcy, filed preference complaints against several defendants.  Under the complaints, the Trustee alleges that the defendants received preferential transfers that are avoidable under 11 U.S.C. section 547 of the Bankruptcy Code.  For those unfamiliar with this bankruptcy proceeding, Ultimate Escapes ("Ultimate" or the "Debtor") filed petitions for bankruptcy in the Delaware Bankruptcy Court on September 20, 2010. 


A Preference Reference: Common Issues That Arise in Delaware Preference Litigation


We recently finished "A Preference Reference:  Common Issues that Arise in Delaware Preference Litigation."  Delaware has such a high volume of preference litigation, we thought it might be helpful to put together a brief publication that addresses the elements and common defenses to avoidable preference claims.  We wrote the booklet in a format that hopefully is helpful to attorneys and non-attorneys alike. A copy of the "Preference Reference" is available here<
