
UBS plans higher fees to push rich clients out of costly cash


The company and its global peers have seen their profitability hurt by half a decade of negative interest rates, which effectively make banks pay for holding clients’ cash.


PPP lenders nearing $10B asset mark fear regulatory nightmare


Several community banks are warning Congress that their participation in the Paycheck Protection Program could cause them to cross a threshold that may lead to, among other things, supervision by the CFPB and a cap on interchange fees.


Fed to have payments service ready 'as soon as practicably possible'


The central bank released new details about FedNow, which officials hope to get off the ground before a 2023 or 2024 target launch date.


Fannie, Freddie to face bank-like liquidity standards starting Sept. 1


The mortgage giants will have to meet benchmarks for covering cash flow needs during stressed periods. The FHFA views the requirements as a prerequisite to the companies exiting conservatorship.


Repealing brokered deposit law would be a costly mistake


Congress and the FDIC are considering easing limits on banks' holdings of such deposits, a move that could inadvertently lead to more expensive failures.


No, CLOs will not cause the next banking crisis


An article in The Atlantic warning that collateralized loan obligations will be banks’ next downfall overestimates the risk of these securities.


Small change is becoming a big problem for banks


At a congressional hearing, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell discussed steps to get the flow of coins to financial institutions back to pre-pandemic levels, as well as ways to ease other industry burdens.


Fed urged to widen eligibility for pandemic loan programs


Members of both parties raised concerns that the requirements for participating in the Municipal Liquidity Facility and Main Street Lending Program are too restrictive to benefit smaller localities and certain midsize firms.


The reasons some banks have a hard stop on PPP lending


Many lenders are paying close attention to liquidity and capital ratios. Others are trying to avoid overtaxing employees who process, service and handle forgiveness of the loans.


4 takeaways from Senate grilling of Mnuchin, Powell on relief plans


Members of the Banking Committee pressed the Treasury secretary and Fed chief to ensure CARES Act funds are deployed as Congress intended. They also debated the need for more stimulus to ease the economic effects of the coronavirus.
