While most banks are shrinking their branch networks, the Cincinnati bank is approaching the day where its branch expansion in the Southeast will more than offset closings in its legacy markets, its CEO says.
The online lender said it applied insights from its partnership with Fifth Third Bancorp in developing a new digital platform it’s marketing to other large financial services companies.
Amid concern that an economic downturn is approaching, Greg Carmichael said that banks need to focus on credit quality and not worry about expanding their balance sheets.
The Cincinnati bank recently expanded its renewable energy banking business to include investment banking services. Its ambitious goals demonstrate the sector’s growing appeal to regional and community banks.
Readers react to the Fed's lengthy plan for a real-time payments system and Fifth Third's minimum wage increase, jab at Sen. Warren's absence on the Senate Banking Committee and more.
The Cincinnati regional bank says it will spend an extra $15 million a year to offer more competitive pay that it hopes will attract talented front-line employees.
Building off the popularity of its personal financial management tool, HelloWallet, the Cleveland bank is now offering in-person financial checkups as a way to deepen customer relationships.