
Bankthink: Is it Time to Bring Life Back to Banks?


Insurance executive Kenneth Shapiro on the new parallels between insurance and banking.


Is Bank Management Past Its Prime?


Aging board members and bank executives can pose a threat to successful strategic planning, which requires the ability to think decades into the future.


The Case for Tiered Regulation


Many of the complex and costly regulations implemented under the Dodd-Frank Act are unnecessary and burdensome for community banks. A two-tiered regulation system is the clear solution.


How to Check if Your Bank Is Adequately Reserved


Loan reserving is one of the most important decisions in banking. Yet there is no accounting, regulatory or industry numerical guideline for Â"adequateÂ" levels of the allowance for loan losses.


Great Branding Comes from the Heart


There are more than 6,700 banks in the United States competing for market share, and among each oneÂ's greatest challenge is effectively distinguishing itself from competitors that offer pretty much the same products and services.

There are many ways to do this, but whatever the tactical plan, it must start with an effective messaging and branding strategy. Crucially, that strategy should not be focused on selling stuff, but rather on connecting with customers or prospective ones...


The Real Reason Community Banks Are Closing


Community banks can still generate solid returns and take on larger competitors. The ones that shutter are those that have failed to modernize and adapt to the changing times.


Customer Service Won't Save Community Banks


Community banks consider customer service their big advantage against larger competitors. But that strategy may not be working.


What Banks Can Learn About Lending from PayPal and Square


E-commerce and payments companies are edging into the small-business lending territory long dominated by banks. If banks want to stay relevant, they need a simpler, speedier lending process.


Even Coffeehouse-Spaceship Branches Need the Right Crew


Innovative branch design and technology won't win the day alone. Finding the right manager and staff is still the key factor in creating a thriving branch.


Customer-Focused? Prove It.


Banks that drive customers away with pre-recession practices should clean up their act or get ready for competitors to use their missteps against them.
