Sovereign Debt

Do Sanctions Prevent Venezuela From Restructuring CAC Bonds?


This is a joint post by Mitu Gulati and Mark Weidemaier.


How Easily Can Creditors Reach Venezuelan Oil Receivables?


Among emerging market countries that have needed to restructure in recent decades, Venezuela is uniquely dependent on external commercial ties, especially oil exports to the United States by state oil company PDVSA.


Venezuela Is Like ... (Part II)


Last time on Super-Sad Updates, I speculated (i) that the Venezuelan people could be in for more suffering and bondholders for more coupon payments (see Romania), (ii) that Venezuela’s complex debt stock was prone to shell games and inter-creditor conflicts, which could delay a workout (see Puerto Rico), and (iii) that a bet on PDVSA bonds over sovereign bonds today required too many assumptions to hold my shrinking attention span (


Venezuela Is Like ... (Part I)


Market and civil society observers have taken Venezuelan debt restructuring as a certainty for more than two years, putting it in contention for the world’s slowest train wreck and quite possibly the messiest.


Puerto Rico Bankruptcy: Audio Recordings?


As noted as an update in the prior post, May 17 is the first hearing in Puerto Rico's PROMESA restructuring cases (which also have new case numbers).


Puerto Rico Bankruptcy: Week One


It is nearing the one-week anniversary of the biggest government bankruptcy in U.S. history: the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


Judge Selection in Municipal Bankruptcy and PROMESA


In light of the timeline on the Puerto Rico debt situation, I have just posted on SSRN a contribution to the ABLJ/ABA symposium last fall.
