Sovereign Debt

Holiday Reading Recommendation and a Research Question on the 1MDB Case


The 1MDB case has been on the front pages of the financial papers on a number of occasions recently. The reason: The US justice system is investigating the scam and senior executives from everyone’s favorite ethical investment back, Goldman Sachs, including Lloyd Blankfein, have been caught up in it.


Ukraine Wins Appeal in Russian Bond Case


Ukraine and Russia have been battling it out in English courts over whether Ukraine must repay a $3 billion Russian loan from 2013. The loan was unusual both in structure and in substance.


Timing and Process in Crystallex v. PDVSA


In an earlier post, I noted some open questions that had to be answered before Crystallex could execute on PDVSA’s 100% ownership stake in PDV Holding (PDV-H).


Some Thoughts on the Alter Ego Ruling in Crystallex


I have had a bit of time to digest the district court’s ruling that PDVSA is Venezuela’s alter ego, and here are some preliminary thoughts. The opinion is 75 pages and covers a lot of ground, but I’ll focus on perhaps the most important and least technical question: Is the case a one-off or a harbinger?


Court Lets Crystallex Attach Equity in CITGO Parent


Just a quick post for now, as the court is keeping its opinion under seal for the time being. Crystallex, a creditor of Venezuela, has been trying to enforce its claims by attaching PDVSA's equity interest in PDV Holding, the ultimate U.S. parent of CITGO.


Keeping up with the Contracts Clause: the Supreme Court's decision in Sveen v. Melin


In June 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Sveen v. Melin, a case applying Contracts Clause* jurisprudence to a state revocation-on-divorce statute and preexisting insurance contract. It isn't like the Supreme Court hears a Contracts Clause case every week, every term, or even every decade.


Approaching the Middle of the Beginning of the End in Venezuela


Though none of it is earth-shaking, there has been a lot of news out of Venezuela recently, so it seemed an appropriate time for an update. The election looms.


A Series of Proposals to Restructure Venezuelan Debt


Mitu Gulati and Mark Weidemaier


Venezuelan Debt: Further Thoughts on “Why Not Accelerate and Sue Venezuela Now?”


Mitu Gulati and Mark Weidemaier

Earlier, we posted about whether holders of Venezuelan bonds would be better off accelerating and obtaining judgments sooner rather than later. In a nutshell, here was the point:


Why Not Accelerate and Sue Venezuela Now?


Mark Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati
