
“What Do You Mean You Included My Home/Car In the Bankruptcy?!”

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Good bankruptcy attorneys spend a lot of time talking with their clients. They give them an awful lot of information. Sometimes clients forget.


Why Replace Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustees Now?


NowHiring-Flickr-413132671When someone leaves a job, is it always necessary to replace them?  The bankruptcy system’s watchdog seems to think so, even if that makes little sense.


Bankruptcy Filing Fees Increase as of June 1


bankruptcy petition






The Judicial Conference has approved a fee increase effective June 1, 2014.

The fees for filing a chapter 7 case will increase from $306.00 to $335.00.


Bankruptcy Filing Fees Increase as of June 1


bankruptcy petition






The Judicial Conference has approved a fee increase effective June 1, 2014.

The fees for filing a chapter 7 case will increase from $306.00 to $335.00.


Bankruptcy And The Elderly


151985627_f76043167b_sIn my practice, I see it all the time: an elderly couple come to talk about their debts. Inundated by credit cards and living on a fixed income, they see no help in sight.
