
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Court – What Goes On?


Much gets done on Chapter 13 day in Bankruptcy Court. Other courts around the country may operate differently, but in the Syracuse and Utica divisions of the Northern District of New York Bankruptcy Court, Chapter 13 day is held only once or twice each month. So what happens and who goes to these court days?


How To Talk To A (Bankruptcy) Lawyer


The_difference_-_JM_StaniforthTalking to a lawyer is rarely fun.  Having to talk to a bankruptcy lawyer seems down right scary or painful.  So if you have debt problems and need to see us, try to get the most out of it.



Use Exemptions to Protect Your Property in Bankruptcy


The scariest part of filing bankruptcy is losing property that one should not have lost. It doesn’t happen often or to many people, but everyone needs to know how to protect property. Everyone who files bankruptcy gets to exempt a certain amount of stuff, but not everyone gets to use the same exemptions. Debtors must choose between state or federal exemptions to shield that stuff from the bankruptcy court. But which exemption does one use? Well, that depends on the interaction between a number of complicated federal and state laws.


A profile of the typical person who files bankruptcy


A five year study of the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act conducted by The Institute For Financial Literacy paints a picture of who files bankruptcy, and why.  Do you see yourself in this picture?  Mirror Mirror on the wall; who's the filer of us all?


Amended Bankruptcy Rule 1007 changes Form 23 debtor education filing requirement.


A December 1st 2013 bankruptcy rule change allows the approved provider of a debtor education course on personal financial management to notify the court that debtor completed the course requirement. The 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act required debtors in chapter 7, 11, and 13 cases to file a Form 23 certification of course completion with the court in order to obtain a discharge of debt.


Bankruptcy: Don’t Get Home-Towned


fed districtsThe US Constitution grants Congress the power to establish uniform laws on Bankruptcy. Our bankruptcy law is a Federal law administered by the US courts.


Running on Empty: “What If I Can’t Make My Chapter 13 Payments?”


Chapter 13 bankruptcy is about payments. After all, it’s a “payment plan bankruptcy.”  But what if you just can’t make the payments?Chapter 13

A moratori…what?

A motion for moratorium of payments is a motion you can file to suspend your plan payments for a period of time.
