
What Can You Do About a Judgment Lien from an Out-of-Business Creditor


What can you do about a judgment lien filed against you by a creditor or debt buyer that is now out of business?

Law firms like Mann, Bracken that have closed down, filed bankruptcy themselves, or otherwise disappeared still appear as judgment creditors on thousands of credit reports.  In many cases, you may have legitimate grounds to challenge these judgments:


Timing in Bankruptcy Cases


As in lots of things, timing can be everything.  Timing is important in music, comedy, athletics, you name it.


What is a Medical Bankruptcy?


Stethoscope and money symbol for health care costsMedical bankruptcy is a made up term.  It is often used by non-lawyers to describe the primary reasons behind their financial downfall.   It is a very real situation but not recognized as a special category of insolvency by the legal system.


Truth or Consequences: The Department of Justice in Bankruptcy Court (updated for 2016)


As our readers may recall, over the years, the members of this network have reported on various celebrity bankruptcy filings and the need for absolute truth in a debtor’s pleadings.
