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Office Building and a Manufacturing Facility in Alabama

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Office Building and a Manufacturing Facility in Alabama

Price: Not Specified

Other Item Info
Item #: alnbke_688403
Created: 06/11/2021
Category: Real Property > Commercial > Industrial Vacant Land/Building
Sale Date: Tue. Jun 29, 2021
Seller Info
Derek F Meek
Seller's Agent
3100 SouthTrust Tower 420 North 20th Street
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 458-5471
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 8:20-bk-81688
Case Title: Remington Outdoor Company, Inc.
Court: Alabama Northern Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 11
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Real Estate Location

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100 Electronics Blvd. SW
Huntsville, AL,


Sale of Non-Residential Real Estate, located at 100 Electronics Blvd. SW (a/k/a 1816 Remington Circle SW), Huntsville, Alabama, together with all Fixtures, Instruments, Equipment, and any facilities (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the approximately 843,715 square foot facility (known as the “Old Chrysler Building”)) located thereon (the “Huntsville Property”).

The property consists of two separate buildings, a 272,837 SF office building, and a 579, 445 SF manufacturing facility located on 145 acres of land in the Huntsville/Madison County Jetplex Industrial Park. The improvements were constructed in 1988 and do not utilize the entire site. The property has a total of 1,996 parking spaces including 68 handicap spaces.
The office building is used for administrative offices, product testing and engineering. The building has two wings and a central connector; the two story wing houses the administrative and executive offices and the one-story wing houses the testing and engineering. The central connector houses the reception area, atrium, cafeteria, test and central conference room.
The manufacturing building is used for the manufacturing of small automotive parts and has a guard office, conference/exhibit room, office areas, locker rooms, cafeteria, test and engineering rooms, large shipping and receiving areas and a central manufacturing area.

The Sale include, (i) all those certain parcels or tracts of land located in Madison County, Alabama; (ii) all improvements, buildings, structures, parking areas (if any), mechanical systems and fixtures located on the Land (collectively, the “Improvements”); and (iii) all rights, privileges, easements, hereditaments, and appurtenances pertaining to the foregoing, including all right, title, and interest of Remington Arms Company, LLC, if any, in adjacent streets, roads, alleys, and rights-of-way, all rights of view, light and air, mineral and subsurface rights, development rights, zoning rights, water rights, sewer and drainage rights, utility reservations or capacities, rights of ingress and egress, roadways, parking areas, roadbeds, alleyways and reversions or other appurtenances used in connection with the beneficial use and ownership of the Land.

Additional Details

  1. Auction Time - 10:00 a.m.
  2. Sale Hearing held on July 8, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
  3. Minimum Overbid Increment ($250,000.00)
  4. Bid Deadline - June 28, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
  5. Sale Objection Deadline - June 16, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.

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