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Apartment Building for Auction in New York

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Apartment Building for Auction in New York

Price: Not Specified

Other Item Info
Item #: nysbke_300158
Created: 08/10/2020
Category: Real Property > Residential > Apartment
Sale Date: Thu. Oct 29, 2020
Seller Info
James Vandermark
Trustee's Attorney
7 Times Square Suite 2900
New York, NY 10036
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 1:20-bk-10338
Case Title: 60 91st Street Corp.
Court: New York Southern Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 11
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Real Estate Location

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60 W 91st St
New York, NY, 10024


Auction Sale of Apartment Building located in New York, New York. The property was built in 1900 and has 4 stories and 9 units.

Legal Description: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate lying and being in the Borough of Manhattan, City, County of New York, in the State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Ninety-First Street Opposite of the center of a party wall which point is distant two hundred and forty-one feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Ninety-First Street with the easterly line of Columbus (formerly Ninth) Avenue; RUNNING THENCE southerly parallel with Columbus (formerly Ninth) Avenue and partly through said party wall, one hundred feet, eight and one-half inches to the center line of the block between Ninetieth and Ninety-First Streets; THENCE easterly along said center line of the block; twenty feet to the point opposite the center of another party wall; THENCE northerly parallel with Columbus (formerly Ninth) Avenue and partly through the said last mentioned partly wall, one hundred feet, eight and one-half inches to the southerly line of Ninety-First Street and thence westerly along the southerly side of Ninety-First. Street, twenty feet to the point or place of beginning. Said Assets being known being known as and by street number 60 West 91st Street.

Additional Details

  1. The Auction, if held, will be conducted telephonically or by videoconference and will commence at 12:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on October 29, 2020.
  2. Sale Hearing Held on November 5, 2020.
  3. Bid Deposit: $250,000
  4. Bid Deadline: October 27, 2020
  5. Last date to respond: November 3, 2020

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