Schwark Satyovolu, original co-founder of Yodlee and current venture capitalist at Trinity Ventures, shares opinion on how consumer data sharing is evolving.
The House Financial Services Committee chairman said "so far, the United States Senate has done nothing on a bill that passed" the House with over 400 votes.
Andrew Keys, co-founder of the venture capital firm ConsenSys Capital, has a vision of the future bankers might find chilling, in which banks and other middlemen are cut out of financial services.
The Omidyar Network has invested in five challenger banks. Tilman Ehrbeck, who is leading its financial inclusion efforts, says the firm will invest more in apps for gig workers and retirees next year.
Harvest is when farmers need funding the most. ProducePay has financed over $850 million of produce in under four years, disrupting traditional finance rules in the farm-to-table process.
Striking the right balance between personalization and privacy is just one challenge the startup Finn AI is grappling with as it refines the artificial intelligence behind banking through Alexa and other devices.