
Live Longer After Filing Bankruptcy? Economists Say “Yes”


health after bankruptcyA recent study by economists suggests that Chapter 13 debtors whose cases were confirmed and completed through discharge derive significant economic and health benefits from their filings as compared to Chapter 13 debtors whose cases were dismissed.


Spouse Filing Bankruptcy Individually: Here’s How You will be Impacted


non-filing sopuseThere are many reasons why a married couple may decide that only one spouse needs to file bankruptcy. The bankruptcy law allows a married person to file an individual bankruptcy but there will be some impact on the non-filing spouse.


Beware Judgments


Do you know what it means to have a judgment entered against you?  Judgments arise from lawsuits – often collection lawsuits – and they happen when a state court judge decides in favor of the other party.


Statutes of Limitation in Georgia: Credit Card Debts


statute of limitationsIn Georgia, the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit to collect credit card debt is 6 years.


How Soon After Bankruptcy Will You Qualify for a Mortgage?


Approved Real Estate Mortgage Loan Document Ready For SignatureOne of the most difficult decisions for a bankruptcy filer involves surrendering a home. Nobody wants to take this step, but sometimes there is just no choice.


Free Budgeting Resources to Help You Recover from Bankruptcy


post bankruptcy family budgetOne of the issues that many of my bankruptcy clients have in common has to do with lack of budgeting. Most of us have a general idea about our income and expenses but very few people sit down and write out a formal budget.


Giant Collection Law Firm Sued by Government for Deceptive Practices


collection lawsuit millThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (a federal agency) has filed a lawsuit in federal


Appeals Court Denies Damage Claim for Clear Violation of the Automatic Stay


stay violation distress claimOn May 8, 2014 the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals released an interesting ruling denying a claim for damages filed by Chapter 13 debtors against their mortgage company. The Lodge v.


Bankruptcy Often the Least Desireable Option to Eliminate Student Loan Debt


elimination of debtI recently received this email from a prospective client (“Jane”) seeking to have her student loans discharged in bankruptcy


Bankruptcy Often the Least Desireable Option to Eliminate Student Loan Debt


elimination of debtI recently received this email from a prospective client (“Jane”) seeking to have her student loans discharged in bankruptcy
