
Another Side of the Bitcoin Debate; Are Dodd-Frank Mortgage Rules Necessary or Predatory?


A recap of the informed opinions (and discussions they generated) on BankThink this week.


The Hazards of Lending to Bitcoin Users


The virtual currency has the potential to serve as collateral for loans, but creditors are likely more concerned with restricting borrowersÂ' Bitcoin use due to the regulatory uncertainty, irreversible payments, volatile exchange rates and the systemÂ's anonymity.


It's 10 p.m. Do You Know Where Your Data Is?


Financial institutions are under more pressure than ever to properly manage their data troves. But many in the industry have yet to master data governance.


Bitcoin's Price Swings Just Show an Adolescent Growth Spurt


As more consumers pile into Bitcoin and the currency's market capitalization increases, any handful of trades will not have as strong an effect on the currencyÂ's price swings.


Google Gets Aggressive in Mobile Wallet Rollout, But What's Next?


The issues Google solves with KitKat were among its biggest hurdles, but it's still too soon to declare a winner in the mobile wallet race.


Banking 2014: Go Virtual or Go by the Wayside


Ten years from now, today's brick-and-mortar banks, and digital banking services, will look like quaint vestiges of a bygone era.


Should Faster Payments Be a Top Industry Priority?


Nacha says the industry wants faster processing and is “working to make it happen in a way that is a win-win for all.” The biggest banks are in no rush.


Bitcoin on the Brain; Taking Bank Management to Task


A recap of the informed opinions (and the discussions they generated) this week.


Mobile Money Fails the Mom Test


"I would use this," Mom said, "if there was a place nearby that accepted it." Mobile adoption confronts the classic chicken-or-egg conundrum.


Startup Coin: More Passing Fad than True Disruptor


The buzzy credit card consolidator, at least in its initial incarnation, doesn’t render wallets redundant or, even, allow the consumer to do anything they can’t already.
