Sovereign Debt

Now things are getting a bit crazy - Argentina style.


The dust is nowhere near settled after the Second Circuit's blunt affirmance of the injunction against Argentina.




With about 30 seconds of wi-fi, here are my two cents on top of Mark's and Stephen's. This feels weirdly like a pox-on-all-your-houses decision.


Argentina: Does it Matter?


No its not a existential question, but rather a question for our two experts on sovereign debt (I'm not one of them).


Argentina loses... big.


The opinion is out, and I'm happy to be asked back to Credit Slips to talk about it. The Second Circuit affirmed the injunction against Argentina... full stop. No changes to the list of third parties potentially subject to contempt sanctions, no changes to the payment formula, just a straight-up affirmance.*


Pari Passu's Caribbean Detour


I wonder if this is how late night comedians feel about Anthony Weiner. He is, surely, the biggest gift that keeps on giving to their profession. On the other hand, it is summer, a time to relax and tell some knock-knock jokes ... but some people just cannot help themselves.


France is Man Enough to Pari Passu


Just when you thought the world's economic leaders were a bunch of spineless, viewless appeasers who would sell their nearest and dearest to mollify the scary monsters who would eat them anyway ...  France saves the day!


Pari Passu Whiplash


The IMF will not file an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in the pari passu litigation--for now. This would not have been news had the IMF's intent to file not been announced last week, causing a rally in Argentina's bonds. 


Everyone's Got Supreme Court News - Argentina Edition


In a stunning upset of nobody's expectations, Argenitna is seeking Supreme Court review of the October 26, 2012 Second Circuit decision that it cannot pay its restructured debt unless it also pays the holdouts.
