
Hedge funds can't sue over investments in Fannie or Freddie


A federal appeals court upheld a ruling that barred hedge funds from suing to overturn the U.S. government’s 2012 decision to capture billions of dollars in the profits generated by the mortgage guarantors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac after their bailout.


Can bank divestment stop the Dakota Access Pipeline?


Activists are pressuring banks involved in financing the controversial Dakota Access pipeline to abandon the project by threatening to withdraw their money and sever business ties. Can that tactic change how banks approach lending – and what does it mean for banking if it can?


Banks fail to enforce cybersecurity standards on third-party providers: FDIC watchdog


Banks are woefully unprepared to face potential cybersecurity threats stemming from third-party technology providers, according to a report issued Wednesday by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s independent watchdog.


McMahon easily confirmed as head of SBA


Linda McMahon, who married into one of wrestling’s founding families and helped build the WWE into the largest professional wrestling company in the world, was confirmed Tuesday as the head of the Small Business Administration.


A higher leverage ratio can prevent crises, and that matters


Rather than just avoiding costly rules, cost-benefit analyses can also validate worthy ones. That is the case with proposals to toughen the leverage ratio.


Bank CEOs ask lawmakers to ease capital rules, repeal Durbin cap


Regional banks don’t pose risks to the financial system that have caused concern among policymakers, executives of 18 banks told top Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Congress.


What (else) banks want from Washington


Financial firms are going on offense in Washington, pressing a policy agenda that would have been unimaginable just a few months ago. Some proposals, like reforming the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, have been floated before while others began to gain traction after Republicans swept the November elections. Here's a look at some of the industry's requests.


Interim fixes to rein in the CFPB


Republican lawmakers and Trump administration officials oppose the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but efforts to beat back CFPB policies might be a longer fight than many in the industry would like.


Greenberg admits aiding bogus deals at AIG, settling Spitzer-era case


The settlement resolves a bitter, pre-crisis court fight in which Hank Greenberg squared off against three successive New York attorneys general over 11 years.


Private flood insurance plan falls woefully short, lenders say


While lenders support the intent of a proposal to encourage the growth of private flood insurance, they claim a regulatory proposal doesn’t give lenders enough flexibility and remains too complicated.
