Law and regulation

Oklahoma governor vetoes expansion of high-cost consumer lending


Gov. Mary Fallin, a Republican, sided with consumer advocates over payday lenders in a fight that is playing out in numerous states.


'Enormous, sometimes terrible power': Comments of the week


Readers weigh in the effect of Federal Reserve actions on wealth distribution, how a new startup could reduce overdraft fees, Watson's attempts to catch rogue traders, and more.


Ocwen goes on the offense in fight with regulators


In an attempt to show it went all out to help struggling homeowners, the embattled mortgage servicer Ocwen Financial provided an unusual level of detail about foreclosures it says regulators have deemed "inappropriate."


Dimon calls populist rage 'understandable,’ lauds Trump economic agenda


The JPMorgan Chase CEO was in rare form Monday, speaking without a filter on a range of controversial topics.


Supreme Court rules cities can sue banks for housing discrimination


The landmark ruling remands the city of Miami's 2013 suit against Wells Fargo and Bank of America back to the lower court.


Wells' borrowing boost sparks concentration fears for Home Loan banks


Wells Fargo Bank has dramatically increased its borrowings from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines, more than doubling the San Francisco institution's level of advances.


CFPB sues four online tribal lenders over alleged illegal debt collection


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau sued four online tribal lenders on Thursday for illegally collecting debts in 17 states where they are prohibited by state usury or licensing laws.


Four tricky issues in the Trump-Cordray standoff


President Trump is locked in a political game of chicken with Richard Cordray, the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


‘Doesn’t Congress have more important things?’: Comments of the week


Readers sound off an attempt to block prepaid regulations, threats to consumer privacy, FSOC’s political bent, the proper use for SARs, and more.


Legislative challenge to prepaid rule is an affront to consumers


Prepaid card users have waited a long time for the basic protections that debit card customers take for granted. Congress should not throw them under the bus.
