Jelena McWilliams knows the value of the FDIC’s role in a way most other Americans do not. Now she's in charge as it grapples with difficult questions and sets out to reshape the industry.
The agency found that banks with less than $10 billion in assets were more prone than larger lenders to go beyond using standard criteria in evaluating borrowers.
The proposal, required by the regulatory relief package that Congress passed in May, would exempt the healthiest banks from having to count reciprocal deposits as brokered deposits.
The central bank, which received broad authority after the crisis to supervise big banks, is expected to get more attention from lawmakers over its discretion to ease banks’ burden.
The agencies had proposed revisions designed to make compliance less complex, but banks have expressed concern that the plan could have the opposite effect.
A huge chunk of the profit increase in the second quarter was due to a lower tax rate, but rising net interest margins and loan growth signal that institutions continue to derive revenue from their loan book.
A top regulator has signaled that the banking agencies are receptive to extending the comment deadline, after banks raised concerns about a proposed revision to the ban on proprietary trading.