
The Salazar Saga Continues


Bankruptcy and foreclosure lawyers everywhere have beenvitally interested in the fate of In re Salazar, 448 B.R. 814 (Bankr.S.D. Cal.


Alternatives to Mortgage Foreclosure in Montana


“A full-fledged recovery in the housing sector will likely elude the U.S. in 2012.” — Frank Nothaft, chief economist for mortgage-finance company Freddie Mac A rising number of foreclosures and a stagnant economy add up to another difficult year for Montana homeowners. If you are one of the thousands of Montana homeowners in danger of [...]


The World’s Worst Ever Sellout – Is Your State In?


Over 40 states have already signed on to the sellout deal the corrupt politicians negotiated, so they could run for office beating their chests bragging about their tremendous accomplishment, with their mortgage company liege lords, who should have already started their prison terms, to get them off the hook for the greatest financial crimes in our history.

Just in case you wonder where I stand.


Can Prospective Employers Deny You Employment Because You Filed for Bankruptcy?


Previously, I discussed the bankruptcy rule that employers cannot fire or otherwise discriminate against employees because they filed for bankruptcy.  However, I also mentioned the difficulty in sometimes proving the causation element between the filing and the discrimination, and the fact that a bankruptcy will still come up on credit checks and other types of [...]


Top 4 Reasons To Call A Foreclosure Defense Attorney


Number 4.  You received a Summons and Complaint for foreclosure.  Now you are being sued by your mortgage company and in danger of losing your property.  You have a short period of time to respond, usually 30days or less in Illinois.


Loan mod denied and posted for foreclosure? We hear that a lot!


Don't Let It Get This Far, If You Want to Save The House


Rent Control: It’s Back!


New York is a world apart of the rest of the nation when it comes to rent control, or rent stabilization laws. The City, over the years, has manipulated—often capped—rent prices with surprising consistency. In 1948, FDR instituted the first rent control laws in the United States. As our boys came home from World War 2 and [...]


Getting Foreclosure Assistance From a Bankruptcy Lawyer


If you are overwhelmed with debt, filing for chapter 13 bankruptcy may provide some relief. Chapter 13 provides debtors with an opportunity to restructure their outstanding debt and restore their financial health. Furthermore, in some situations chapter 13 can help prevent a debtor’s home from being foreclosed. However, bankruptcy may not be viable option for [...]


Should I File Bankruptcy After Foreclosure?


Bankruptcy After Foreclosure The primary reason that a consumer would file bankruptcy after going through foreclosure is to protect against a deficiency judgment. With foreclosure rates at an all time high, many homeowners have heard that losing a home in foreclosure is not necessarily the end of the road and unfortunately, they’re right. Deficiency Judgments [...]
