
Want Free House, Try Sweepstakes, Not Federal Courts Says 5th Circuit


In re Wigginton, 5th Circuit 2012 This last week I had a couple come in, that had paid $5000 to some “group” that they found on the internet, to help them fight with their mortgage company. They had the “group” whoever that is, prepare a lawsuit or complaint and they filed it in state court trying to stop their foreclosure.


An Expiring Tax Cut that matters to Underwater Homeowners


There is lots of talk about expiring tax cuts; Bush tax cuts, payroll tax cuts but there is an expiring tax provision no one seems to be talking about, the tax provision that exempts unpaid mortgage arrears on primary residences that are subject to foreclosure, short sale or debt forgiveness. One of the things I [...]


Texas Bankruptcy Court: Mortgage Proof of Claim Must Include Loan History


In re Armistead Local Bankruptcy Court Mortgage Form Must Be Used An opinion by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Marvin Isgur from the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division bankruptcy court, indicates that mortgage companies and banks must follow our local bankruptcy court’s rules, including a requirement that they attach a detailed mortgage account history to their Proofs of Claim.


Bankruptcy, Modification, and Foreclosure


In my Bankruptcy practice, I see people every day in the midst of a homeowner’s dilemma.  Try to save the house, walk away, file bankruptcy, do a modification, or what?  Most often, I spend time with them simply dispelling myths!

Here are seven of my favorites:


A Guide to Surviving Foreclosure


For too many Americans, the word “foreclosure”  or ” surviving forclosure” symbolizes a feeling of powerlessness that has defined the nation’s economic climate for the past several years. If you are looking at your financial situation and fear that a foreclosure may be on the horizon, it’s time to arm yourself with knowledge now. Negotiate [...]
