Financial regulations

Judge suspends compliance deadline for CFPB payday rule


Reversing a previous order, the Texas judge granted part of the bureau's request to stay the effective date and allow time for the agency to work on changes to the rule.


Wells admits wrongful foreclosures; Goldman lawyers up


The bank says a calculation error led it to deny help to distressed homeowners; a former U.S. deputy attorney general will help with in the 1MDB fraud scandal.


Should industry fear Waters-led banking panel?


The presumptive chair of the House Financial Services Committee will likely take the panel in a sharply new direction and have a new bully pulpit to criticize the Trump administration.


Goldman opens up; how strong are banks?


Bank discloses the possible repercussions from its alleged involvement in Malaysian fraud; are banks too blase about “systemic riskiness”?


CFPB's payday rollback plans don't go far enough for some lenders


Payday lenders scored a victory when the bureau committed to proposing changes next year, but they expressed disappointment that the revamp will not address a key payment-processing provision.


Dear regulators: Don’t take CRA’s revamp too far


While there are ways to improve the Community Reinvestment Act for the modern era, steps must be taken to ensure the law is not weakened in the process.


CFPB remittance rule led to drop in prices for money transfers: Report


Before the rule was issued, banks and money transfer companies acknowledged that better disclosures and other steps were necessary in light of higher costs for international money transfers.


CFPB makes it official: Changes to payday rule coming in new year


The agency wants to change underwriting requirements in the regulation that lenders say will put them out of business, and give companies a break on the compliance deadline.


CFPB’s softer stance on payday lenders, military member scams


Consumer Financial Protection Agency Acting Director Mick Mulvaney is winding down some of the efforts his predecessor worked hardest on: enforcement of payday and fair lending rules and the Military Lending Act. Reporter Kate Berry shares the latest. 


VisionBank files application to open in Washington


Organizers plan to raise $25 million to $35 million in initial capital to focus on small and midsize businesses in northern Virginia.
