Financial Institutions

Fighting Foreclosure Fatigue


Folks in Washington tell me there is a general sense of “foreclosure fatigue” in our nation’s capital. It’s just so boring to keep thinking about all the people losing their homes year after year. Can’t we move on to something new? This attitude goes along with a failure to do anything meaningful to get out of the five-year-old mortgage crisis, still very much with us. More charitably, the people who would like to do something see no political opening in an election year.


FHFA Wants Money Transferred from Local Government to Bondholders


FHFA has sued the State of Illinois and some local government units claiming that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are exempt from state and local real estate transfer taxes. FHFA's argument is basically that the GSEs are subject only to non-discriminatory real estate taxes and real estate transfer taxes aren't real estate taxes.  


Securitization Fail-Litigation Update


The wheels of litigation move slowly, but there are a couple of recent securitization fail litigation decisions that are worthy of note. First, in the Congress case, a wrongful foreclosure action in Alabama (see my previous blogging on it here), the Alabama appellate court reversed and remanded, a victory for the homeowner.




Blackstone on Chase, via Bloomberg:

“Occasional losses are inevitable,” said Blackstone Group LP’s Stephen A. Schwarzman, 65, CEO of the largest private- equity firm. “Publicly excoriating JPMorgan serves no purpose except to reduce people’s confidence in the financial system.”


Making Banks Boring


Bloomberg has an editorial arguing that making banks boring won't prevent a crisis; only increasing bank capital will do so.  


Freep, froop, frop . . . No, It's Pottow!


Credit Slips alumni John Pottow sent me an op-ed from Being an idiot, it took me a while to figure out that this was the Detroit Free Press. John takes on the huge trading loss at J.P. Morgan and the continued need to regulate financial hedging at U.S. banks (no matter what Jamie Dimon says).


Thou All-destroying But Unconquering Whale


A few quick thoughts and suggested readings on Chase's ever expanding losses from the Whale Trade.

First, if you have not been reading Lisa Pollack's Alphaville posts on this topic you really must.


Debit Interchange Post-Durbin: Some Early Numbers


The Fed released some data on debit interchange fees since the Durbin Amendment went into effect (here in spreadsheet and here as a memo with more data). It's all still very early numbers, and things may well change. But so far a few noteworthy things have caught my eye:


FTC Mobile Payments Conference on April 26


Here's a plug for a conference on mobile payments that the FTC is hosting next week.  It will be webcast live.  The agenda is here.  I'm one of the speakers.  


Subsidizing Shareholders (and the Sub Debt Too)


So there is a bit a kerfuffle going on between Luigi Zingales and Brad DeLong.
