Federal Reserve

Five questions for Trump's OCC and Fed nominees


Fed Vice Chair-nominee Randal Quarles will likely face questions about his support for small banks, while Comptroller-nominee Joseph Otting must face fallout from his predecessor.


Fed commits to speeding up payments following task force report


In early fall, the central bank is expected to announce its next steps regarding how to improve the aging U.S. payments system.


Regulators begin review of Volcker Rule


Five regulators agreed to coordinate "their respective reviews" on the exclusion of foreign funds from Volcker Rule restrictions.


The Fed’s got some big decisions to make on faster payments


For the last two years, the central bank has allowed the private sector to drive a process aimed at modernizing the nation's payments system. Now the Fed will have to determine what its own role will be.


Do regulators still need to issue an exec comp rule?


A regulatory plan to create new restrictions on banks’ executive compensation practices appears dead – but changes since the financial crisis may have made the proposal largely obsolete anyway.


Deposits take center stage in banks' 2Q earnings


Now that the Federal Reserve has raised short-term rates four times in the past 18 months, all eyes are on deposit costs as banks seek to keep pricing low and fatten margins. But that effort is complicated by the fact that banks must prepare for the unwinding of the Fed's balance sheet and consumers' rapid adoption of mobile deposits.


Fed panel puts faster payments on three-year track


An influential task force established by the central bank envisions a future in which the U.S. has multiple real-time payment systems, and in a new report it lays out a series of actions that will be necessary to stitch them together.


Regional banks push bill to replace SIFI asset threshold with risk score


Regional banks are hoping that recent comments by Fed Chair Janet Yellen can add fuel to their efforts to replace the $50 billion asset threshold for systemically important banks with a regulatory indicator test.


Fed interest payments to banks are back in House GOP’s crosshairs


House Republicans are ramping up their criticism of the Fed for making interest payments to member banks on excess reserves, and may have identified a way to counter claims that the payments are critical to monetary policy.


The credit union for people who breathe air: Comments of the week


Readers slam credit unions’ ever-inclusive membership criteria, weigh in on the OCC’s proposed fintech charter, encourage a rewrite of the CRA, and more.
