Federal Reserve

Corporate debt credit standards 'deteriorating,' Fed warns


The amount of debt owed by businesses and the valuations of corporations are elevated, creating a growing source of concern, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday.


Fed's Bostic warns on fintech; Payday in derivatives


Atlanta Fed chief says consumers don't know the risks of using nonbank payments providers, like Apple Pay; equity derivatives desks will reap rewards of volatility.


Trump says he's 'not even a little bit happy' with Fed's Powell


President Trump stepped up his attacks on the Federal Reserve Board and its chairman, Jerome Powell, blaming the central bank for declines in the stock market.


FSB names Fed’s Quarles as next chairman


The choice appears to reaffirm U.S. regulators' commitment to the international standards-setting body.


Goldman, JPMorgan still betting on five Fed hikes by end of 2019


If the predictions prove correct, the benchmark rate would reach 3.50% by the end of next year.


FDIC unveils long-awaited community bank leverage ratio


The proposed 9% ratio for institutions with less than $10 billion of assets is designed to create a simpler capital regime for small banks.


Fed's Quarles in line to lead global regulator


Federal Reserve Vice Chairman for Banking Supervision Randal Quarles is expected to succeed Bank of England Governor Mark Carney as chairman of the Financial Stability Board, a key global financial regulator, according to two people familiar with the matter.


Regulatory rollbacks could threaten banks' debt ratings: Fitch


The ratings agency said that it views rollbacks of stress-test comparisons and liquidity coverage ratio requirements as "negative" for banks with between $100 billion and $250 billion of assets.


Societe Generale fined $1.34B for violating U.S. sanctions


The French bank was hit with a billion-dollar fine after it was found to have unsafe practices that violated sanctions against Cuba and other sanctioned countries.


Next on banks' reg relief wish list: More consistent exams


Regulators have made progress on revising stress tests, the Volcker Rule and other post-crisis measures. But some worry examiners still have too much latitude to punish banks for trivial matters.
