
Does MoneyGram sale to Chinese firm pose cyber, AML risks?


The Trump administration must weigh risks to national security in its review of the $1.2 billion deal. Its decision will shed light on whether — given the president’s “America First” rhetoric — Chinese investment is still welcome in the U.S. financial services sector.


Hackers tough new task: Cash in their bitcoin; Dimon takes the heat


Cashing in digital currency for government-backed paper may not be so easy; JPM CEO is taken to task by shareholders for his close ties to President Trump.


What banks should learn from WannaCry


Up-to-date operating systems, anti-phishing tools and good backup should keep banks safe from ransomware. Can your bank check off those boxes?


Snowden: ‘Know your customer’ laws do ‘bupkis’ to stop terrorism


The laws that force banks to know their customers are good at catching petty criminals and “wannabe” terrorists, but can’t thwart sophisticated bad actors, argues whistleblower Edward Snowden.


Financial institutions praise Trump executive order on cybersecurity


President Trump on Thursday signed an executive order to reinforce the country’s cybersecurity defenses, a move that financial institutions view as a positive step toward creating a more resilient financial system.


Cybercrime outbreak targets French banking customers


There's an outbreak of email and telephone hoaxes in France falsely attributed to the country's central bank, as criminals multiply attempts to steal credentials from French companies and consumers, the Bank of France said.


The mobile app security hole that should keep bankers up at night


Researchers have found serious flaws in the way transport layer security protocols — a longstanding bulwark of online banking — have been modified for mobile apps.


Denial-of-service, web app attacks plague banks


Verizon’s Data Breach Investigation Report finds cybercriminals are focusing their efforts on banks’ web servers and websites.


‘Doesn’t Congress have more important things?’: Comments of the week


Readers sound off an attempt to block prepaid regulations, threats to consumer privacy, FSOC’s political bent, the proper use for SARs, and more.


Should banks be criminally liable for not reporting fishy emails?


Unlike other “suspicious activity report” categories, a new proposal to add a “cyber-event” category would requires institutions to detect and report digital mischief whether directed at a customer’s account or the bank itself.
