Community banks

CFPB finalizes HMDA rule that gives reg relief to banks


The move is part of an effort by CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger to help smaller lenders by significantly raising loan thresholds for collecting and reporting mortgage data.


Community banks call for AML relief in next coronavirus aid package


A trade group says suspending so-called beneficial owner rules would help financial institutions make more small-business loans through the Paycheck Protection Program.


The difference during this crisis? Customers trust their banks.


Unlike in 2008, banks have become a steady force during the coronavirus pandemic.


Texas banker returns to work after bout with coronavirus


Dean Bass, chairman and CEO of Spirit of Texas Bancshares, had taken a leave of absence after contracting COVID-19.


After opening-day fiasco, SBA upgrades lender portal with Amazon assist


The agency overhauled its system for the Paycheck Protection Program on Wednesday. Lenders hope it addresses the access issues and a crash that bedeviled the effort’s first week.


Bankers hope reg relief doesn’t end when coronavirus does


Measures that delay the Current Expected Credit Losses standard and reduce a community bank capital ratio are temporary, but the industry now sees an opening to argue that they should be permanent.


One-fifth of emergency loan program's funds already committed


The Small Business Administration said lenders approved $71 billion in loans from the Paycheck Protection Program in less than five days.


SBA computers crash in fresh blow to companies seeking virus aid


The Small Business Administration’s loan processing platform went down Monday for as long as four hours, temporarily halting the ability of lenders to process loans for small business owners seeking relief from the impact of the coronavirus.


How small banks can help small companies get through coronavirus


The government should encourage community lenders to offer six-month loan repayment forbearances to struggling businesses before it’s too late.


Banks find creative ways to help cash-strapped health clinics


For many small providers, the coronavirus pandemic means falling revenue and rising expenses, as many either shut their doors to new business or staff up to deal with COVID-19 patients. Bankers say that means helping them bridge the cash-flow gaps until they can get back to business as usual.
