
Veterans Stuck in Debt Traps Need More than Lip Service


Our nation has a long way to go to protect those defending our homeland. Stopping the damage of high-cost credit is an important first step.


Banks Too Slow to Modernize Core Systems


Legacy core systems make banks vulnerable to new competitors and risks. Modernization is underway, but many institutions are not moving fast enough. The risk of waiting too long is that it will take too long to catch up.


Morning Scan: Minneapolis Fed Picks Ex-TARP Head as Chief, JPM Hackers Charged


Receiving Wide Coverage ...

Hackers Charged: Charges were announced against three hackers accused of stealing data from more than 100 million people in one of the biggest cybercrimes of all time. The three men reportedly were responsible for the big breach last year at J.P. Morgan Chase and other crimes involving computer networks in South Africa and Brazil, money laundering through Cyprus and illegal card payments processed in Azerbaijan, the Wall Street Journal reports. Two of...


Consumers Lose If CFPB Overshoots on Overdraft


With the CFPB poised to finalize regulations on overdraft fees, it is important to realize how much the product helps informed consumers.


When Rewarding Your Team, Money Isn't Everything


Monetary incentive plans are vital for keeping your best employees, but sometimes other gestures that cost basically nothing make a bigger impact.


Morning Scan: BofA Takes On Data Aggregators; European Banks Struggle to Heal


Wall Street Journal Bank of America has joined a slew of financial firms to cut off its information from websites and mobile applications that aggregate consumer financial data. Other major banks that have taken such steps include J.P. Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo. Consumers have begun to use these aggregator sites, such as, to monitor their multiple financial accounts. But banks are wary to cede any ground to non-bank startups like these, and as reasoningÂ...


Don't Lump in Installment Loans with Payday


Traditional installment lenders are fixtures in their communities and verify borrowers' ability to repay, which cannot be said of payday lenders.


Loan-Loss Plan Is Direct Hit on Community Bank Lending


The Financial Standards Accounting Board's proposal to start loss reserves when a loan is originated is antithetical to banks making localized financial decisions.


Morning Scan: TLAC, Part II; Yearly Bonuses Going Bust


Receiving Wide Coverage...

TLAC, Part II: Not quite two weeks after the Federal Reserve Board released its contentious total loss absorbing capacity (TLAC) proposal, the Financial Stability Board updated its own plan to force "systemically important" banks to issue more debt in order to prevent future global financial crises.

The FSB's version calls for these banks to build by 2019 a cushion of at least 16% of their risk-weighted assets in equity and debt, similar to what...


CFPB Must Show Its Cards on Defining 'Abusive'


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's implementation of the statute banning "abusive" conduct through enforcement action instead of rulemaking is not sustainable.
