
Women in Banking: Goldman's Gender Imbalance; Barbie's Fed Ties


Did men get more than their fair share of the managing director promotions at Goldman Sachs, and what does Barbie have to do with a Fed trailblazer? Also, JPMorgan Chase's Mary Callahan Erdoes isn't getting on the robo-advisory bandwagon and women talk about "systematic sexism" in the journalism and entertainment fields.


Why Swaps May Save Banks' Bacon When Rates Rise


Presuming that medium-sized banks that offer hedging products face added interest-rate-risk fears misses the full story.


GOP Candidates Have It All Wrong on Community Banks' Demise


Republican presidential contenders are off base when they claim the Dodd-Frank Act spurred the decline in community banks, which in fact predated the law.


Morning Scan: Square IPO Disappoints, but JPM Protected; Robo Advisers Heat Up


Wall Street Journal

Square's IPO underachieved, as the fintech startup was forced to slash its share price to $9 from an initial expected range of $11 to $13. The Journal explained what happened thusly: "Public investors are growing more skeptical of the enormous valuations that venture capitalists are putting on private technology companies." Then there's this point: "The company is yet to prove it can turn the business profitable," said analysts at Susquehanna International Group. ...


Fincen Should Be Stripped of Executioner Powers


How could an agency most people outside of the U.S. have never heard of effectively shut down an overseas bank without much explanation or even a hearing?


Why That Orwellian Anti-CFPB Ad Worked


The American Action Network's provocative television commercial introduced millions of Americans to one of the most powerful and unaccountable government agencies in Washington.


Morning Scan: JPM, RBS Probed Over Mortgage Security Sales; Simple Tees Up IPO


Wall Street Journal

Prosecutors are pursuing criminal cases against JPMorgan Chase and Royal Bank of Scotland executives for allegedly selling flawed mortgage securities, unnamed sources said. Authorities are looking at a $2.2 billion deal that RBS handled, in which home mortgages were securitized. RBS has already reached a civil settlement with the SEC on the case. JPMorgan is being probed on a different deal, earlier investigated by the Justice Department's Sacramento, Calif., office, related to a...


How U.S., U.K. Are Together and Apart on Fighting Laundering


Recent U.S. and U.K. assessments of anti-money-laundering and efforts to combat terrorism financing show how the two countries have structured respective approaches to pinpointing key risks.


Why a Commission for CFPB May Be in Agency's Best Interest


Advocates of keeping the single-director model to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau should not write off the virtues of a commission so quickly.


'Macroprudential' Is Just a Buzzword Without Serious Reform


Overhauling the splintered multi-agency regulatory framework is necessary to promote the stability of the financial system as a whole.
