Bankruptcy Data

Who "Presides" over Chapter 13 Plan Confirmation Hearings?


Shutterstock_329900393Temple Law Review will soon publish a volume honoring Bil


Yep, 800,000 Bankruptcy Filings This Year


My blogging has been light the past few months as we have been working on the eighth edition of what will now be LoPucki, Warren & Lawless, Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach. For you secured transactions teachers out there, we have returned a first set of page proofs and everything looks on track for publication later this year well in advance of the spring semester.


Quantifying the Benefits of the Fresh Start


I recently discovered a not-so-new paper that provides a useful answer to a question I've asked before:  Who benefits from consumer bankruptcy, and to what degree? This is a real challenge for policy-making, and well-supported answers are essential to greasing the wheels of reform.


Sh*t In, Sh*t Out? the Problem of Mortgage Data Corruption & Empirical Analysis


Empirical economic analysis is a powerful tool.  It can elucidate correlations and sometimes even get us to causual explanations. But it has a serious weak-spot:  its value is entirely dependent upon the integrity of the data analyzed. To put the problem succinctly: sh*t in, sh*t out. 
