Bankruptcy Data

Bankruptcy Filings Dropping More Rapidly Than Expected


According to the most recent data from Epiq Systems, there were 120,800 bankruptcy filings in August for a daily bankruptcy filing rate of 5,250. The August daily filing rate represents a year-over-year decline of 14.8% and a decline of 3.5% from July 2011.


Omnibus Update on (Declining) Bankruptcy Filing Rates


The June bankruptcy filing figures came out while I was away, and the July figures came out a little late. Thus, I have missed the past two monthly posts on the bankruptcy filing rate. Consider this an omnibus update on the pace of bankruptcy filings. As always, the data come courtesy of Epiq Systems.


Bankruptcy Filings Dip Substantially in May


Bankruptcy filings in May dropped 12.5% on a year-over-year basis. There were almost 123,000 filings in May, which spread over the month's 21 business days, amounted to a daily filing rate of 5,845. That number also represents a 5.4% drop from April 2011. As always, these numbers come courtesy of Epiq Systems.


A New Study on Medically Related Bankruptcies


Thanks to our friends over at WSJ's Bankruptcy Beat, a new study caught my eye on the issue of medical bankruptcies. A new study appearing in the Journal of Clinical Oncology documents an increased risk of bankruptcy with certain types of cancers. The full abstract is available.


Bankruptcy Filings Hit 2-Year Low in January


In January, households and businesses filed bankruptcies at the rate of 5,090 per day. The last time the daily bankruptcy filing rate was this low was January 2009. Monthly bankruptcy filings are sensitive to the number of business days in a month, making the daily filing rate a more meaningful figure than the absolute level of filings.
