Assigned to: Judge Robert D. Drain Chapter 11 Voluntary Asset Debtor disposition: Dismissed for Other Reason |
Debtor Interstate Brands Corporation
3101 Mercier Street, Suite 422 Kansas City, MO 64111 JACKSON-MO Tax ID / EIN: 44-0296705 aka Dolly Madison Bakery aka Mrs. Cubbison's Foods, Inc. aka Wonder Bakeries aka IBC Hostess Services, LLC aka Merita Bakeries aka New England Bakery Distributors, LLC aka Cotton's Holsum Bakeries aka Standish Farms aka Hostess aka Armour and Main Redevelopment Corporation aka Continental Baking Company aka Baker's Inn Quality Baked Goods, LLC aka Sweetheart Bakery aka J.J. Nissen Bakery aka Butter-Nut Bakeries aka Baker's Inn aka Interstate Brands West Corporation aka Di Carlo Bakery aka Eddy's Bakery aka Drake's Bakery aka Millbrook Bakeries aka Cotton's Holsum aka Hostess Bakeries aka Weber's Bread aka Interstate Bakeries Corporation aka My Bread Bakery aka Parisian Bakery aka Interstate Brands Companies aka Holsum Bakery aka Grandma Emilie Brown's Bakery aka Colombo Bakery aka San Francisco French Bread Company aka Sunbeam Bakery aka Wonder/Hostess Bakeries aka Brown's Bakery |
represented by |
Corinne Ball
Jones Day 250 Vesey Street, Floor 32 New York, NY 10281-1047 (212)326-3939 Fax : (212)755-7306 Email: [email protected] |
U.S. Trustee United States Trustee
Office of the United States Trustee - NY Alexander Hamilton Custom House One Bowling Green, Room 534 New York, NY 10004-1408 (212) 510-0500 |