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Tract of Land in Colorado

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Tract of Land in Colorado

Price: $239,000.00

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Item #: cobke_495386
Created: 02/11/2021
Category: Real Property > Commercial > Other
Sale Date: None Set
Seller Info
David Wadsworth
Debtor's Attorney
2580 West Main Street, Suite 200
Littleton, CO 80120
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 1:20-bk-14159
Court: Colorado Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 11
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Kit Carson County, CO,


Sale of tract of land located in Kit Carson County, Colorado, and more described as follows: The Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 7 South, Range 43 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Kit Carson County, Colorado, and The North Half and Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 7 South, Range 43 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Kit Carson County, Colorado, and LESS AND EXCEPT: A tract of land situate in the Northwest and Southwest Quarters of Section 10, Township 7 South, Range 43 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Kit Carson County, Colorado and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the West 1/3 Corner of said Section 10; Thence N 02°35’41” W along the westerly line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 10 a distance of 293.53 feet; Thence S 23°16’25” E along the existing fence line a distance of 33.93 feet to a point of curvature; Thence along said existing fence line along the arc of a curve to the right a distance of 542.79, said curve having a central angle of 37°21’24”, a radius of 832.50 feet, the chord of which bears S 04°35’43” E a distance of 533.22 feet; Thence S 14°04’59” W continuing along said fence line a distance of 106.60 feet to a point on the westerly line of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 373.23 feet to the point of beginning, described parcel containing 0.66 acres more or less, as shown in that survey plat recorded June 19, 2014 at Document No. 566090 and in Plan Book 9 at Page 96 of the Kit Carson County, Colorado records, and, LESS AND EXCEPT: A tract of land situate in the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 7 South, Range 43 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Kit Carson County, Colorado and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the West ¼ Corner of said Section 10; Thence S 02°35’41” E along the westerly line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10 a distance of 474.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning on an existing fence line; Thence along said existing fence line along the arc of a curve to the right a distance of 531.16, said curve having a central angle of 25°40’56”, a radius of 1185.00 feet, the chord of which bears S 02°35’41” E a distance of 526.73 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 10; Thence N 02°35’41” W along said westerly line of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 526.73 feet to the point of beginning, described parcel containing 0.24 acres more or less, as shown in that survey plat recorded June 19, 2014 at Document No. 566090 and in Plan Book 9 at Page 96 of the Kit Carson County, Colorado records (the “Land”).

The Land is described as follows: The tract in the N/2 and SW/4 10, NW/4 15-7-43 consists of rolling native pasture, with good perimeter fencing and water. A 2.69-acre grass tract along the east side of the NE/4 9 included. A sprinkler and small amount of dryland encroaches onto section 10 (.66 acres in the NW/4 and .24 acres in the SW/4 – 1 acre total), and is excluded (owned by Gary and Jody Queen). Drainage off Beaver Creek (dry) runs through the center of the SW/4 10, and along the north side of the NW/4 15. A windmill/tank is permitted (#89679) in the SE/4NW/4 10, with a new solar submersible (#293464) well drilled in the NW/4NW/4 15. Beaver Creek drainage southwest of the sprinkler has an earthen dam, with trees established on the east and west sides. A 171.54-acre tract in the N/2 10-7-43 was surveyed out (Reception #573228) which included sprinkler irrigated. This tract was sold off on March 24, 2017, leaving the above described grass tract.

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