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Commercial Property in Texas

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Commercial Property in Texas

Price: $565,000.00

Other Item Info
Item #: txnbke_451949
Created: 03/05/2018
Category: Real Property > Commercial > Commercial Vacant Land/Building
Sale Date: None Set
Seller Info
Charles Chesnutt, Sr.
Debtor's Attorney
12222 Merit Drive, Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75251
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 3:17-bk-32256
Court: Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 11
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Sale of 5.109 acres commercial property located in Graham, Texas and having the following legal description:
Being 5.109 acres out of the Paul Pier Survey, Abstract No. 219 and the J.W. Manning Survey, Abstract No. 188, Young County, Texas. Said 5.109 acres also being part of a 5.0 acre tract and a .14 acre tract recorded in volume 843, page 20 of the Deed Records of Young County, Texas. Said 5.109 acres being described in metes and bounds as follows:
Beginning at a 3/8 inch spike set at the southwest corner of said 5.0 acre tract; Thence, in a northerly direction with the westerly line of said 5.0 acre tract the following calls: N 0°07´57´´E 233.0 feet to a 3/8 inch spike set for corner, S 89°52´03´´E 65.0 feet to a 3/8 inch spike set for corner, N 0°07´57´´E 89.2 feet to a 3/8 inch spike set for corner and N 43°56´03´´ W 143.7 feet to a 3/8 inch spike set for corner in the southeast railroad rightof way line; Thence N 46°04´02´´E 455.7 feet with said right-of-way line to a 3/8 inch spike set for corner at the intersection of said railroad right-of-way line and the westerly right -of-way line of Cliff Drive; Thence in a southerly direction with said westerly right-of-way line of Cliff Drive the following calls: S 21°55´27´´E 99.95´ to a 3/8 inch spike set for angle point. S 13°50´23´´ E 206.98 feet to a 3/8 inch spike set for angle point and S 0°07´57´´ W 448.9 feet to a 3/8 inch spike set for corner; Thence N 89°52´03´´ W 380.0 feet with the south line of said 5.0 acre tract to the point of beginning containing 5.109 acres more or less.

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Last date to respond: 21 days from the date of service

Date of service: March 2, 2018

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