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Oil, Gas, Coal and Mineral Interest in Illinois

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Oil, Gas, Coal and Mineral Interest in Illinois

Price: $5,200.00

Other Item Info
Item #: ilsbke_176811
Created: 08/21/2017
Category: Business Property > Investments > Oil/Gas Interests
Sale Location: Benton, Illinois
Sale Date: Mon. Sep 18, 2017
Seller Info
Dana Sue Frazier
PO Box 159
Murphysboro, IL 62966
(618) 687-5707
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 4:17-bk-40213
Court: Illinois Southern Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 7
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Sale of Oil, gas, coal and mineral rights and any and all lease interest with Countrymark Refining and Logistics, LLC located in White County, Illinois, described as below:

All the seller, interest in and to the oil, gas, coal and other minerals in and under that may be produced from the following described land, located in the: East Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 6 South, Range 8 East of the 3rd P.M., White County, Illinois. Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 6 South, Range 8 East of the 3rd P.M., White County, Illinois. Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 6 South, Range 8 East of the 3rd P.M., White County, Illinois. West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 6 South, Range 8 East of the 3rd P.M., White County, Illinois Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; North Half of the Southwest of the Southeast Quarter; Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, all located in Section 26, Township 6 South, Range 8 East of the 3rd P.M., White County, Illinois Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, all located in Section 35, Township 6 South, Range 8 East of the 3rd P.M., White County, Illinois. (All above descriptions are limited to production obtained from the surface to the base of the St. Louis formation) Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 7 South Range 9 East of the 3rd P.M., White County, Illinois

Sale Location

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301 West Main Street
Benton, IL, 62812

Additional Details

Sale Hearing Time: 9:00 a.m

Bid Increment: $100.00
Bid Deadline: September 8, 2017

Last date to respond: September 8, 2017

Other Information

Terms and Conditions:

See Attached.

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