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Mineral Rights and Interests in an Oil and Gas Well

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Mineral Rights and Interests in an Oil and Gas Well

Price: $250,000.00

Other Item Info
Item #: pawbke_303119
Created: 03/03/2016
Category: Business Property > Investments > Oil/Gas Interests
Sale Date: Thu. Mar 24, 2016
Seller Info
Guy C. Fustine
120 West Tenth Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16501-1461
(814) 459-2800
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 12-10058-TPA
Case Title: Great Plains Exploration, LLC
Court: Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 7
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Sale of subsurface mineral rights and interests in an oil and gas well owned by Great Plains Exploration and commonly referred to as Tin Man #1. The Property is described as follows:

Any and all real estate improvements and real property rights, including any subsurface, oil, gas and mineral rights and oil and gas wells owned/operated by Debtor contained within Parcel ID No. 16-B-060-0-00-019-0, being approximately 18.6477 acres situated in the City of Mentor, Lake County, Ohio, including any and all rights and interests in and to the aforesaid parcel obtained by Quit Claim deed dated August 29, 2005 from Lightning Oil Company recorded in Lake County, Ohio at Deed No. 2005R036975, along with any real property improvements thereto; and including any subsurface interests and mineral rightsunderlying a 3.6387 Acre tract formerly in parcel Id. No. 16-B-060-0-00-020-0, which is now a part of parcel Id. No. 16-B-060-0-00-019-0 as above-described; as well as all rights and interests inan oil and gas well situated on parcel ID. No. 16-B-060-0-00-019-0, commonly referred to as “Tin Man #1” and bearing API # 34-085-210640000, including any production, proceeds and profits of said well, tangible personal property, equipment, systems, fixtures and improvements located on the above-described parcel and related to the operation of said well, including gas lines and piping and other appurtenances owned by Debtor in connection with production, treating, storing, transportation and marketing of hydrocarbons from said well, but only insofar as the same relate solely and specifically to said well.

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Sale Hearing Time: 11:30 a.m.

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