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Mineral Interests in North Dakota

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Mineral Interests in North Dakota

Price: Not Specified

Other Item Info
Item #: ndbke_41471
Created: 03/16/2018
Category: Business Property > Investments > Oil/Gas Interests
Sale Date: None Set
Seller Info
Gene Doeling
3429 Interstate Blvd. S. PO Box 9231
Fargo, ND 58103
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 3:17-bk-30669
Court: North Dakota Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 7
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Auction Sale of mineral interests located in North Dakota, includes:

  1. The estate’s mineral interests [whatever that interest may be] in land located in Golden Valley County, North Dakota as described by the Seller:
    An Undivided 2½ Mineral Acres in Lots 1, 2, 3, 4; E½W½; NE¼ of Section 18 and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4; E½W½; NE¼ of Section 19 All in Township 142, Range 105; and / or,
  2. The estate’s mineral interests [whatever that interest may be] in land located in Golden Valley County, North Dakota as described by Lease;
    Township 142 North, Range 105 West Section 18: Lots 1(25.96), 2(25,88), 3(25.80), 4(26.72), E2W2, NE Section 19: Lots 1 (25.63), 2(25.51), 3(25.41), 4(25.29) E2W2, NE
  3. The estate’s mineral interests [whatever that interest may be] in land located in in McLean County, North Dakota as described by the Seller:
    An Undivided 19.2 Mineral Acres in the N½W¼; SW¼NW¼; and Lots 3 & 4 of Section 35, Township 149, Range 80; and / or
  4. The estate’s mineral interests [whatever that interest may be] in land located in McLean County, North Dakota as described by General Deed:
    The North Half of the NorthWest Quarter (N1/2 of NW1/4); SouthWest Quarter of the NorthWest Quarter (SW1/4 of the NW1/4), and Lots three (3) and four (4), of Section Thirty Five (35); in Township One Hundred Forty Nine (149) North of Range Eighty (80), containing one hundred ninety two (192) acres, more or less according to the US survey thereof; and / or
  5. The estate’s mineral interests [whatever that interest may be] in land located in McLean County, North Dakota as described by Warranty Deed:
    All rights to and interest in all of the minerals, including but not limited to, oil, gas, coal, iron, uranium, cement materials, sodium sulfate, road materials, sand , gravel, scoria, building stone, chemical substances, metallic ores, colloidal or other clays, bentonite, together with all by-products thereof which might be found on or underlying the lands described as follow, to wit: Lots Three (3), Four (4), North half of the Northwest Quarter (N1/2NW1/4), Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW1/4NW1/4) of Section Thirty-Five (35) Township One Hundred Forty Nine (149) North, Range Eighty (80) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian; and / or
  6. The estate’s mineral interests [whatever that interest may be] in land located in McLean County, North Dakota as described by Oil and Gas Lease:
    Township 149 North, Range 80 West Section 35: Lots 3(51.55, 4(20.00), N/2 NW/4, SW/4 NW/4; and
  7. The estate’s mineral interests [whatever that interest may be] in land located in Mercer County, North Dakota as described by the Seller:
    An Undivided 80 Mineral Acres in the E½SW¼, and Lots 3 & 4 of Section 7, Township 141, Range 88, An Undivided 440 Mineral Acres in the N½; NW¼SE¼; W½SW¼; of Section 12, Township 141, Range 89, and An Undivided 40 Mineral Acres in the SW¼SW¼ of Section 24, Township 141, Range 89; and / or
  8. The estate’s mineral interests [whatever that interest may be] in land located in Mercer County, North Dakota as described by Mineral Deed:
    Township 141 North, Range 88 West 5th PM Section 7; Lots 3, Lot 4 E ½ SW ¼, Township 141 North, Range 89 West, 5th PM Section 12: N ½ NW ¼ SE ¼ W ½ SW ¼, Section 24: SW ¼ SW ¼ containing 638.92 acres.

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Last Date to Respond: 21 days from the date of Service

Date of Service: March 13, 2018

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