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Mineral Interest in Oklahoma

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Mineral Interest in Oklahoma

Price: Not Specified

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Item #: okwbke_288594
Created: 10/06/2017
Category: Business Property > Investments > Oil/Gas Interests
Sale Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Sale Date: Tue. Nov 7, 2017
Seller Info
Ginger D. Goddard
Trustee's Attorney
224 West Gray Street, Suite 202
Norman, OK 73069
(405) 329-5297
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 5:16-bk-14281
Court: Oklahoma Western Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 7
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Auction Sale of right, title, and interest, if any in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals of every kind and character, including leasehold interests, leases, and overriding mineral interests, located in Texas County and Woodward County, the State of Oklahoma by Dakil Auctioneers, Inc., including, but not limited to. the following locations:
Nancy V. Freeman's undivided one-third Life Estate Interest in:
Interest of Vera Jones in Sections Twenty-Two (22) and Twenty-Seven (27), Township Twenty-Six (26) North, Range Eighteen (18) W.I.M., Woodward County, OK; and An undivided one-third of an undivided one-half (1/3 of ½) interest in the oii, gas, and other minerals and mineral rights lying in and under the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Two (2), Township Three (3) North, Range Eighteen (18) E.CM., Texas County, Oklahoma
An undivided one-third (1/3) interest in the oil, gas, and other minerals and mineral rights lying in and under the Northwest Quarter (NVV/4) or Section Twenty-six (26), Township Five (5) North, Range Seventeen (17) E.C.M.. Texas County, Oklahoma An undivided one-third (1/3) interest in the oil, gas, and other minerals and mineral rights lying in and under the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Five (5) North, Range Seventeen (17) E.CM, Texas County, Oklahoma
An undivided two-thirds of an undivided one-half (2/3 of J/2) interest in the oil, gas, and other minerals and mineral rights lying in and under that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirtythree (33), Township Five (5) North, Range Seventeen (17) E.CM., lying South of the Northwest Right-of-Way Line of the C. R. I. & P. Railroad, Texas County, Oklahoma, containing 73.49 acres, more or less.
An undivided one-third of three-fourths (1/3 of 3/4) interest in the oil, gas, and minerals and mineral rights lying in the oil, gas, and other minerals and mineral rights lying in and under a tract of land containing approximately 70.5 acres located in the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section Four (4), Township Four (4) North, Runge Seventeen (17) E.CM, Texas County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the NW Corner of the NW/4 of Section 4^JNI7ECM, as a point of beginning; thence South along the West Line of the NW/4, a distance of 2310 feet to a point, the same being the SW Comer of this tract; thence East parallel with the North Line of said NW/4, a distance of 1320 feet to a point, the same being the SE Corner of this tract, thence North parallel with the West Line of said NW/4, a distance of 2310 feet to a point on the North Line of said NW/4, the same being the NE Corner of this tract; thence West along the North Line of said NW/4, a distance of 1320 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 70.5
acres, more or less.
An undivided one-third of an undivided three-fourths (1/3 of 3/4) interest in the oil and oil rights, and an undivided one-third (1/3) interest in the gas and other minerals and mineral rights lying in and under the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Suction Nineteen (19), Township Four (4) North, Range Eighteen (18) E.C.M., Texas County, Oklahoma
An undivided one-third of three-fourths (1/3 or 3/4) interest in the oil, gas, and other minerals and mineral rights lying in and under Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), Block Nineteen (19), Murphy-Morris Addition to Hooker, Texas County, Oklahoma

Sale Location

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200 NW 114th St.
Oklahoma City, OK, 73114

Additional Details

Auction Time: 10:00 A.M

Last date to respond: 21 days from the date of service
Date of service: October 2, 2017

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